On June 8, 2020, DILG MIMAROPA conducted its first virtual CapDev activity dubbed as Online Orientation on the Conduct of Capacitating LGUs in the Formulation of Risk-Informed Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). The activity aimed to jumpstart the collaborative engagement between the Department and the four (4) new targets LGUs and reaffirm institutional arrangements with the eleven (11) previously targeted LGUs.

CDP is one of the two (2) Local Government Code-mandated plans with which the LGU promotes the general welfare of its inhabitants in its capacity as a corporate body.  DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2019 – 172 and Department Advisory dated April 8, 2020 stipulated that LGUs that failed to comply with the requirements for the preparation/updating of CDPs and CLUPs by September 15, 2020 will be subjected to an appropriate administrative case filed against them pursuant to Section 60 of the LGC.

In his opening message, Regional Director Wilhelm M. Suyko said “it takes a whole-of-nation approach for us to realize the goal of a participatory and inclusive government, that is why collaboration and coordination in local development planning is very vital”.

The activity was participated by all DILG Provincial Directors, CDP Provincial Focal Persons, and Municipal Mayors, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinators (MPDCs), and Municipal Local Government Operations Officers (MLGOOs) from the targeted LGUs in MIMAROPA.

Taking off from this, on June 9-11 and 15, 2020, the DILG MIMAROPA Regional Office conducted the Online Coaches’ Orientation on Capacitating LGUs in the Formulation of Risk-Informed CDPs. The activity was designed to orient the MLGOOs and MPDCs of the target LGUs on the CDP process with focus on mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) and emphasizing the significance of local development planning to mitigate the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Plenary discussions and breakout sessions were all done online with the participants and resource speakers discussing and learning from various parts of the region.

The Local Government Capacity Development Division (LGCDD) and the CDP Core group composed of the Regional and Provincial CDP Focal Persons served as the training management team for the four-day Online Coaches’ Orientation.

“After this orientation, all of you are expected to carry-out your respective Implementation Plan. Although, we have a September 15 deadline to beat, may this not be a reason for you to formulate your plan based on mere compliance. Endeavor to formulate your CDP which you can be proud of, one that you can implement.” LGCDD Chief Ma. Teresita G. Iglesia said during the Closing Program.

-Cidney Pamela Bejasa, LGOO V